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November 26, 2018

Softarex at the Web Summit 2018

This November companies and startups all over the world have been heading to the main IT event of the year — Web Summit 2018, which was held in Lisbon. It’s a crucial meeting place for the world’s innovative technology companies, startups, and those who interested in how these innovations can transform their businesses and lives. That’s why Softarex caught that opportunity to show the world two developed projects: FINMATEX and WAITO.

FINMATEX at Web Summit 2018

FINMATEX is an online banking platform with a chatbot that meets the needs of individuals in the field of personal finance and investment. Сhatbot helps users to choose bank products for subscribers, gives information about banks, the nearest branches, shares, news, financial conditions. But it’s not only a consulting platform for personal finance. FINMATEX is a wide range of financial information on the value of shares and stock indexes, the parameters of banking products, the main financial news, and feature articles.

With the help of FINMATEX businesses can now engage their audience in real time. It also can redirect users to managers or websites if they still have any questions.

Web Summit helped us to gather valuable feedback and check the responsiveness of the product. It also broadened our vision on the future of the platform. Our team will expand the number of banks from 50 up to 100 and platform features. Insurance and credit bases are on their way to be added too.

“It’s been a really beneficial experience. The feedback we’ve received from users and competitors gave us new directions for further growth.”

Kate Malitskaya, Head of Marketing

WAITO at Web Summit 2018

Nowadays up to 100 million passengers can visit a single airport per year. Every place offers lots of entertainment: shops, cafes, art galleries, live concerts, ice rinks, casinos, pools, and more. But how can you make passengers use offers and see companies’ promotions instead of just waiting for a flight? The answer is to connect them with the people of the same interests. How? Our travel app WAITO is the first app of its kind for connecting people in airports!

With the help of WAITO companies and airports can share all their promotions with users through the app to catch their attention and increase dwell time. Passengers can find people alike and book tickets together, which helps airlines increase positive travel experience. Businessmen can find new partners and make deals. There are hundreds of ways for WAITO to help businesses become even better!

Web Summit served as a good place for WAITO to show itself to the market. Portuguese magazine Magg added the app to the “Four amazing ideas that will change our lives in the future” list.

“The Web Summit 2018 helped us to validate the app and receive very constructive reviews – people have been waiting for such app for a long time. Now we really have something to propose.”

Ruslan Matuzov, VP Business Development

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This year Web Summit 2018 gave Softarex a wide range of valuable and productive feedback, business offerings, and of course good photos and memories. Every day we work hard to create solutions that will improve businesses and lives. Stay tuned to be the first who will see it.

We will continue to share our own and world’s best practices and are wide open to learn something new, so if you have any questions or ideas — feel free to write to us. Let’s develop the world together!

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